The increase in biofuel prices over the last year has had significant effects on the market and on the motivations and drivers of potential customers’ purchase choices, as shown by the data of a survey on domestic heating conducted by SWG on behalf of AIEL.
The reduction in consumption, the desire to purchase a more innovative heating system and the lower environmental impact of the new heating system appear to be the three main motivations for changing or supplementing the heating system already in use with another heating system.
Innovation, efficiency and sustainability: three key market drivers
“What was interesting to note through our statistical analysis – comments Annalisa Paniz, General Director of AIEL – is that, regardless of the choice of biofuel, those who decide to supplement their home heating with a wood or pellet generator do so by focusing on the most advanced and environmentally sustainable technology. This is a sign that the sector’s commitment to technological innovation has been recognized and rewarded by the market, also in relation to the enactment of increasingly stringent regional regulations on emissions levels”. In short, less consumption and more innovation and more innovation and sustainability: a precise market demand that is the way not only to keep heating costs under control, but also to improve air quality and contribute to the energy transition from fossil to renewable sources.